Welcome to SDMS Library

When in doubt go to the library.
–J.K. Rowling
Our library is open daily for all students grades 5-8 from 8:00-3:00. Times may be adjusted for earlier or later use if needed.
OPAC: Online Public Access Catalog
For teachers:
Click here
Dale County Schools Library Media Mission:
It is the goal and responsibility of the school media center to provide information access for the school community, to promote literacy and the enjoyment of reading at all levels of development, and to provide leadership in the use of information skills and instructional design. The library media environment shall be conducive to self-discovery and inquiry with a focus on facilitating the learning process. The activities and resources included in the library media program shall be in keeping with the mission of Dale County Schools.
Online Public Access Catalog
OPAC allows the searching of library books and materials.
This site has a multitude of website dedicated to children library services. It is supported by the American Library Association.
Find information about a variety of subjects ranging from weather facts to homework help to quizzes and games.
DK Findout
Website aimed at a variety of topics that are student centered.
Sports Illustrated for Kids
Website dedicated to sports news.
Online Encyclopedia
Web based encyclopedia for research.
BBC: Dinosaurs
Website dedicated to dinosaurs.
Web Images for Research
*a search database for wed images. Kidsafe site
Common Sense Media
Information regarding online usage and safety. The site has book reviews, video reviews and sites for cyber safety information.
Epic Reads
Information about new released books.
Infromation about Authors/Illustrators
A website that houses links to various websites about authors and illustrators.
Information on Greek Gods
Website dedicated to ancient Greek gods and goddesses.
Teacher Links
Collaborative Planning
This is a link to the collaborative planning form for teacher and librarian.